In this interview, Sri Chinmoy explains about the inner meaning and spiritual significance of the events composing a triathlon – namely swimming, cycling and running.

“When you swim, (it) reminds us of our spiritual life. Right now we are swimming in the sea of ignorance, but we are praying and meditating to our Beloved Supreme in order to swim in the sea of light and delight. While we are running (…), this running reminds us of our eternal running along Eternity’s Road. Then, while we are cycling, we are reminding ourselves of the evolution, (…) of how the world is evolving in cycles…”

– Sri Chinmoy, (unofficial transcript) from the interview

In 1977, Sri Chinmoy founded the Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team, which became one of the pioneers in organizing triathlons in North America, Australia and other parts of the world. Currently, the Victoria Self-Transcendence Triathlon is the longest running triathlon in Canada – on its 35th edition in 2014. Below you can read more about other races sponsored by the SCMT.

Camera and edit by Mridanga Spencer
Page created by Patanga Cordeiro


External links (races)