Taken from four different television interviews, this video shares some of Sri Chinmoy’s comments on how meetings of the Sri Chinmoy Centre were conducted (mostly during 1970’s and 1980’s).

Sri Chinmoy also talks about the centre’s relation to religion.

“My students all over the world, wherever there are Centres, (…) pray and meditate, and they also read my writings. Also (…) I have composed thousands of songs. They listen to the music, and some are accomplished musicians, so they sing (…) I give talks and I answer questions, and I also teach my students how to meditate. I have written (…) considerably, and I also help them inwardly. (…) Mine is not a religion, mine is just a road. We walk along a road. Religion is not the same as the road. We walk along the road. You can practise your religion, she can practise her religion, I can practise my religion. But if we walk along the road, then there is no objection. We can reach our destination.”

Sri Chinmoy, (unofficial transcript) from the interview


External links

– TV interviews: Westchester Newsline, Straight Talk, Talk is Cheap, Joel Martin Show
– Page created by Patanga Cordeiro