During this university lecture, Sri Chinmoy talks about the nature and role of the United Nations. The talk includes aphorisms about the inner and outer qualities of the United Nations.

“In the spring of 1970, at the invitation of then Secretary-General U Thant, Sri Chinmoy began conducting twice-weekly meditations at the United Nations. These non-denominational meditations are for staff and members of delegations and non-governmental organizations (NGO). For the past 37 years the Meditation Group has, in addition to the meditations, sponsored an ongoing series of programmes, lectures and concerts to promote world harmony in support of the goals and vision of the United Nations. The regular meditations and programmes continue to be held.” (source: www.srichinmoy.org)

“The outer message of the United Nations is peace.
The inner message of the United Nations is love.
The inmost message of the United Nations is oneness.”

– Sri Chinmoy

– Camera and edit by Mridanga Spencer
– Page created by Patanga Cordeiro


Further Reading